The similarities between slow living and living alcohol free

I recently attended a wonderful workshop exploring the art of slow living. I couldn’t help but be struck by the similarities and natural progression into slow living when you remove alcohol from your life. Alcohol sells us this dream of relaxation and peace in a bottle, but it certainly does not deliver! 

The principles of slow living are to live a more balanced and meaningful life. Appreciating what is around us, our environment, nature, who we have in our life. Gratitude for what we have, not focusing on the lack of, comparing ourselves unfavourably. It encourages self-care, being mindful. Exploring and utilising our creative sides, through the arts, movement.

When I was drinking, and when my anxiety was at its height, I certainly was not practising any form of slow living! I have certainly embraced this now, but have still established areas I would like to work on further.

Something I will be forever grateful for is that by just taking that one step, removing one thing, I have opened up a whole new world. A world where the simplest of things such as watching the sunrise or taking a few moments to mindfully breathe whilst I sit and enjoy my morning coffee, brings me joy. A world that I don’t need to fill with drama and chaos, that I can appreciate in its purest form.

If you want to go alcohol free but are struggling to give up alcohol for good, join our free masterclass designed to help you to better understand and navigate your triggers and cravings and take control of your alcohol-free journey. You will also have the opportunity to meet a supportive community of like-minded individuals, engage in open discussions and share insights. 

If you’re struggling to give up alcohol for good, join our free masterclass designed to help you to better understand and navigate your triggers and cravings and take control of your alcohol-free journey. You will also have the opportunity to meet a supportive community of like-minded individuals, engage in open discussions and share insights.

– Karen

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