Free masterclass

Understanding Your Alcohol Triggers & Cravings

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Do you drink at the same time, same event, with the same people, for the same reason, time after time?

Because you are stressed, bored, finished work, meeting the girls?

Can you not imagine NOT drinking at these times?

Do you end up opening a bottle of Prosecco with little or no fight and end up doing the very thing you promised yourself you wouldn’t do, yet again?

Do you end up talking nasty to yourself because you have zero will power, you are never going to manage this, you are useless?

You are wrong! It is not about you!

This is down to triggers and cravings. You are NOT the failure here.

In this masterclass you will learn:

  • What is a trigger and learn how to spot them coming
  • What is a craving and how they affect us. More importantly what you can do to beat them

And you will understand that you can walk away from these old ways and habits and create unstoppable new routines of your own.

You will gain confidence and clarity and get clear on what steps you need to take when you feel like or think about drinking in the future.

Join us!