The new you

Free week

Join Our Membership for 1 Week &
See What You Can Become

Starts Monday 8th July

Sign up below!

You will also be added to our newsletter list, but don’t worry, we won’t spam and you can unsubscribe any time!

This is for you if you meet one of more of the following:

  • You desperately want to take a break from alcohol, but fear you’ll never last the 2 months as even 1 week will be a nightmare
  • Are scared of joining an online group because you’ve never done anything like that before and you’re not sure what that will be like or what everyone will be talking about and if you even belong
  • Have seen us banging on on your Facebook/Instagram about the joys of giving up alcohol and how our lives have changed in so many ways but still don’t believe it can be true as your’s is too much of a mess and you are way too lost for any of these changes to happen to you
  • Want a sneak peak at what we do

Well, join us for a free week. A whole week with no booze and lots of training and full support and experience of Our Circle 

Come and see what we do and get to know us. 

Take a break for ONE week and see the benefits for yourself. 

We are so certain that you will see and feel the difference in one week that we are giving this away for FREE.